Operative E.O., work by Kevin S.
Operation Werewolf, as stated from the beginning, is rabid resistance. A path that leads against the grain, toward massive personal upheaval and ordeal, and ultimately, to glory. This endeavor is done through through the reassembly of our willfully annihilated former selves into a new creation of iron and blood- not content to make little adjustments here and there until we have reduced ourselves to ash in the furnace of the great Black Work of Calcination!
During this beginning process, we adopt a mindset that deals in extremes. From the naked aggression of the Operation’s symbolism, to its often brutal tenets of unmerciful transformation, the pathway through the Gates of Iron is one of fire and conquest.
During this time, and through the contract the individual makes to this Operation by wearing the black Totenwolf flag, and swearing an allegiance to his higher self, his own potential, he will meet with that resistance on many fronts.
First, and most importantly, he will meet with resistance from self. From what we in the ongoing Operation refer to as the thrall mind, that inner weakness that seeks to control and enervate us with negativity, self defeating thoughts and actions, as it attempts to channel regular patterns of laziness and surrender within our brain and being. This thrall mind must be brought under the boot of our conqueror mindset, kept in chains, utterly beaten and dominated- no longer capable of raising his head to resist our overcoming.
We have discussed this self overcoming many times, and will continue to do so, but it is another type of resistance that we will touch on now.
This second resistance will be met from without. We have adopted a combative philosophy for good reason. We have adopted a provocative image for a reason. Nothing that has been done, or engendered by this relentless Operation has been by mistake, or without forethought.
This combativeness is integral to the first part of the Operation, because it is through resistance that kings are made.
Our disdain for comfort must permeate our being on all levels, and we must never fear confrontation, but embrace it as a part of a vital life lived with blood hot in our veins! One cannot put on the dread banner and turn his face away from confrontation or he is forever a slave, unworthy to wear the symbols of power and fury that we see as holy.
We will state this clearly: by an association with the Wolf-Cult as it exists today in its true form, that form which we call Operation Werewolf, worldwide, you embrace notoriety. Whether you will it or no, you have chosen to associate with a growing cultus that lives and breathes, that stains altars red with blood at every corner of the earth, awakening a fire that continues to grow and call to others.
If you are not prepared to see your reputation among the mob ripped to pieces, and wish to live a comfortable life free from challenge and pressure, free from accountability and harsh judgements, free from the threat of violence by those who oppose our ideals of strength and healthiness- stay in the village. Remain within the confines of Empire, both physically and spiritually, for it is the Wolf who grows up in the woods outside the walls!
No arguments! No explanations! No remorse or fear! Take accountability for your actions and choices and know that all associations and choices have repercussion. Stop pretending to be a victim when Empire decrees your flag outlawed, your cause unjust- this is a cult of the Father of Wolves, the Unknown Rider, and his people have always been outlaws, existing on the edges of accepted society, gnawing at the roots of what is already falling.
We exist by ourselves, for ourselves- but this does not mean that those who have accepted the visions of the dream-weavers, the technomancers and storytellers of Empire will not hate you. They will hate you, and they will do their best to make others hate you as well. Some doors will be closed to you forever, while others will open to strange new vistas and awful frontiers. You will meet wild men and outlaws, and swear oaths beneath our brother, the moon, and be a part of creating a new myth in which your part is as yet undetermined.
Take up the banner of strength, but do not be fooled into believing it can be held without challenge.
“Run from what is comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation. Become notorious.”