January Strike!

Beginning on January 1st, I am launching a new offensive similar to the December Charge that Werewolf has presented in past years.

This will be an organized program of self-reflection, intention and preparation for not only the year to come, but of Total Life Reform.

It will be centered around three underlying principles from which we will operate:

Life As Ritual: That a life of meaning and significance is built only through deliberate and intentional dedication to Mythic Ideal – setting in motion the tangible and real ability to shape both the individual life, and therefore, to change the world.

Focus: Intention, purpose, ritual structure and framework, purification of dross elements, alignment with overarching precepts and the creation of life as a vital retelling of myth.

Life As War: That a fundamental principle of the strong is that Struggle is the Father of All Things, and that all beauty and value in this life comes first from Trial and Ordeal. That we are not victims in a world set against us, but that we are the enemies of certain elements and ideas and as men our duty is to wage war against these elements in ourselves and in the world at large.

Focus: Physicality, skill, virtus, mental hardness, anti-victim lifestyle. Strong Limbs, Pure Hearts, Actions Matching Words.

Life As Monument: “Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice.”

If you seek my monument, look around you.

That the highest purpose of life is the attainment of honor, excellence and the leaving of a lasting legacy of power.

Focus: Artha, leadership, self-determination, creation.

The January Strike will be a structured program of 30 days, delivered in the form of written and recorded materials, group discussion and the presentation of various tools and technologies to attain the above mentioned focus, planning and execution.

Further, only those who undertake this program will have access to what will be the only “open” Werewolf event of 2025.

Finally, those who undertake the January Strike with us will be able to continue the Work with the Iron Fist Initiative that is currently in development to lay the groundwork, strategy and information necessary to strive toward a place in the Iron Age Elite – that is, the highest and only award available for those few individuals capable of meeting requirements for the Iron Fist.

Operation Werewolf is a rabid and tireless effort to re-shape the world in our own image.

What will that image be?

What will you make of yourself in the coming year, and for the rest of your life?

Join us in the January Strike, and answer these questions with a resounding and powerful response.

My time is valuable, as is yours. I am not interested in the idly curious, nor the tourist, nor the paper wolf.

This endeavor will require a small buy-in of $25 to deflect the insincere and the unmotivated, and to put a bit of skin in the game.

If seriously interested, further information will be available at the following link.

Download the Telegram app and GO HERE


– PW, Werewolf Command